Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Melalui Pelatihan GEDSI Untuk Dosen dan Tenaga Kependidikan di Politeknik Negeri Batam


Shinta Wahyu Hati
Diah Amalia
Winanda Wahana Warga Dalam
Quriatul Fitriyah
Atiqotun Nisa
Muhammad Zainuddin
Adilah Putri Nafisah
Rosiana Febriana
Nurul Indah Adhani
Sri Ningsih Anastasya
Salmu Fajri


Batam State Polytechnic focuses on the prevention of sexual violence in the campus environment through prevention programme efforts, namely Gedsi Training (Gender Equality, Disability and social inclusion) This prevention programme is a support programme from the British Embassy supervised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This prevention service programme is focused on lecturers and education staff participants to provide knowledge education, increase awareness of violence and harassment, and Prevention and treatment of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in the Batam State Polytechnic environment. The methods used in this training are lectures, simulations, role plays, case studies, group discussions and games. The training method is integrated into Gedsi (Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion) issues in a campus environment that is close to the work environment. One of the important aspects taught in this training is the importance of seeking Gedsi participation in all stages of work activities carried out by lecturers and education personnel. The results of this research encourage the recommendations of the community and lecturers to be an integral part of policies and programmes that can have an impact on improving the quality of relationships and comfort at work in the Batam State Polytechnic environment. The results of this Gedsi training can increase awareness for knowledge and understanding of lecturers and education staff to prevent and handle sexual violence in the campus environment. This training also provides an understanding of the importance of the dangers of HIV AIDS. Through this training provides an understanding of Gedsi values that can have an impact on the prevention of sexual harassment and violence in the work environment of lecturers and education staff.
