Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Purbalingga


Dika Prasetiyo
Sri Sundari
P. Edi Sumantri


Purpose: This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of the work environment, work discipline, work motivation and communication on job satisfaction of Purbalingga Regency Environmental Service employees. 

Methodology/approach: This is quantitative study, with a sample size of 90 employees. This study employed a sample of 73 respondents. Data collecting methods include surveys, observations, and interviews. The sample technique used was proportional stratified random sampling. This study's analytical techniques include multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing with the t test. 

Results/fidings: The results of this research show that the work environment, work discipline, work motivation and communication have a significant positive effect on the job satisfaction of Purbalingga Regency Environmental Service employees.

Limitations: The research is limited by the fact that during the data collection process, information provided by respondents through questionnaires may not always accurately reflect the respondents' true opinions. This is due to a variety of factors, including individual differences in thoughts, assumptions, and understandings as well as the honesty of the respondents when filling out the questionnaire. With a R Square value of 80.5%, the research indicates that 19.5% of the variables, such as workload, organizational culture, and job stress, continue to be significant outside of the study. 

Contribution: The implications of this research are that the Purbalingga Regency Environmental Service must receive fair treatment in carrying out work, must be able to behave politely towards customers, must always use knowledge in order to achieve success in work, must exchange ideas with colleagues to take appropriate action.
